Organisation in gardening

 I am ridiculously organised when it comes to seeds, plants, and the care of them. I don't want to be responsible for the death of any, and my brain doesn't have the capacity to store everything.

Seeds for sowing

My seeds are organised into 2 files; food and flowers. 

There are 12 slots in each, so the seeds are filed by the month in which they need to be sown.


I have an Excel list that has all of the bulbs I have. It includes how much sun they need, how deep to plant them, how tall they get, and what month they flower. This helped SO much when I put them all in the ground last Autumn. There are over 800 bulbs in 3 borders in a small garden! Summer bulbs are still to go in!

Shrubs and climbing plants

I also have an Excel list of my shrubs; their planting position, height, spread, and flowering month.

I have an Excel list of my climbers, which again includes their preferred position, and the pruning group and planting depth for the clematis.


I also have sticky labels for my houseplant's internal pots, for the care of them too!
